Saturday, February 16, 2013

How have governments and organizations responded to dengue?

As there is no specific drug to treat dengue, prevention is the only measure to take against the virus, and it is the means by which governments and organizations have gone about attacking it.(Nation 2012).  The World Health Organization has guidelines for governments and hospitals to follow in order to prevent the spread of the virus (WHO 2013a).  The methods suggested are aimed at reducing human support of mosquito populations, and preventing mosquitoes from coming into contact with humans (WHO 2013a). Singapore, a country with a history of dengue infections, has followed the guidelines with a great degree of success (WHO 2008b).

Dragon Fly Mosquito Control, (Accessed February 22, 2013)

WHO World Health Organization (2008b) Reconstructing historical changes in the force of infection of dengue fever in Singapore: implications for surveillance and control. World Health Organization. (Date Accessed: January 10, 2013)

WHO World Health Organization. (2013a) Control Strategies. World Health Organization.  (Date Accessed: February 10, 2013.) 


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